January 2011 Newsletter

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DOOR PRIZES: If your last name begins with C or F please bring a door prize to the September meeting and give it to Jeri Bush This is a voluntary effort, but most of us like to receive a door prize and we hope everyone will participate. Please bring only quilting related items such as: Quilting Notions, fat quarters, triangle paper, magnetic pin holders, scissors, Pigma pens, etc.


  • Name tag
  • Door prizes for C or F
  • Block party block
  • Show-and-Tell
  • UFOs for January program



Hope this finds everyone not too tired from all the holiday preparations and that we all have a wonderful Christmas and we are looking forward to an exciting new year.  We have a lot of exciting things happening with our Guild next year so come and bring a friend.

Also, the Guild collected 69 pounds of food for the Food and Clothing Co-op, thank you for your help!

Marty Staten


Dues for 2011 are due at the January meeting.  Dues are $20 for regular members and $15 for members age 65 and over.  Don’t forget that we have a perfect attendance prize at the end of each year.  If you have perfect attendance for the whole year, your name goes into a drawing for a free membership for the next year.  We should have had our last drawing at the December meeting, but didn’t, so we’ll have it at the January meeting for those with perfect attendance during 2010.

Michelle Rodriguez


Don’t forget that if you have perfect attendance during the year (you attended every guild meeting and signed in) that you are eligible for the drawing at the December meeting for a free membership for the following year.

We should have had our drawing at the December meeting, but all information was not available, so we’ll have the drawing at the January meeting.



Jane Lamb … January 16

Wanda Cargile … January 25


Our first workshop for the new year will be a Mystery Quilt Workshop on Saturday, February 12th at First Presbyterian Church from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Several people signed up at our December meeting.  If you find that you can’t make it after all, please let me know.  If you haven’t signed up and want to participate, please let me know that also.  If you have signed up, you will receive fabric requirements and cutting instructions prior to the workshop.

Lunch will be a potluck lunch.  Please bring a salad or dessert to share with the group.

Michelle Rodriguez


We are re-starting the Stitch a Bit Stitch Group in January.  We will meet the 4th Monday of each month (January 24 is the date for January) to work on Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler quilt blocks.  This is the quilt made popular by Jennifer Chiaverini and her Elm Creek Quilts series of books.  The blocks we’re working on in January are:  Mosaic No. 3, Shoo Fly, Bright Hopes and Posies Round the Square.  We’re planning on working on the blocks at the Stitch Group meetings.  You’ll need to bring whatever you need to work on them:  your machine, your cutting mat, rotary cutter, etc.  We’ll meet at The Woods United Methodist Church in Grand Prairie which is on Bardin Road just west of Robinson.

Michelle Rodriguez


We’ll start the year on a fun note by showing our UFOs.  Everyone, please bring ALL your unfinished quilting projects to the meeting to show and be prepared to tell us why you have not finished the project and how long ago you started it.  A couple of clarifications on my definition of an UFO for this meeting:

1.  You must have already started the project – don’t just bring a kit or fabric that you want to make something out of.

2.  YOU must have started it; not your mother or grandmother or friend.

3.  This does not include a finished top that’s just waiting to be quilted or a quilt waiting for binding.

Maybe by showing what we haven’t accomplished we’ll be inspired to finished some things during 2011.  Be sure to bring all your unfinished projects because at the end of 2011 there will be a special surprise for a lucky member.



Beginning balance: 1354.39
Dues: 15.00
Ending balance: 1369.39



  • The December 6th meeting of the Quilter’s Guild of Grand Prairie was opened with a blessing by Jane Lamb for our potluck dinner.
  • After dinner we had our business meeting. The minutes of the November meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter.
  • Grace reported that there was one deposit of $15 for Wanda’s 2011 dues, bringing the total in the bank to $1,369.39.
  • Birthdays were Michelle and Shirley.
  • Remembrances were Eula Lewis’ 102nd birthday is December 12th and Shirley had a birthday card for everyone to sign.
  • Membership: there were 17 members present plus our webmaster.
  • We will defer the perfect attendance drawing for the 2011 free membership to the January meeting since the membership chair was not present.
  • Workshops: we’ll have a mystery quilt workshop on February 12th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. Please sign up if you are interested.
  • The retreat is May 13-15. Cost is $40 per night plus tax. Deposit is needed if you are interested. Space is still available.
  • Stitch Group: We’ll start meeting at The Woods United Methodist Church on the 4th Monday of January (January 24th) to work on Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler. The list of blocks and the timeframe is in the last newsletter.
  • Block of the Month: Nancy won the blocks and the block for January is Road to Oklahoma.
  • Programs: Shirley brought up about spending some money on programs this coming year. A motion was made, seconded and approved that she can spend some money on programs. The program for January will be a UFO show and tell. Bring all the UFOs you have started prior to tonight and be prepared to show them and tell why they haven’t been finished and when you started them.
  • Other: Cathy has a friend who has fabric that she is interested in selling. Cathy will bring the friend and the fabric to the next meeting. Cathy will take the quilting frame that needed a home. Margaret will contact the people that inquired about hand quilting and quilt repair.
  • Show and Tell: Jane, Nancy, Janis, Sue, Jeri, Shirley, Grace. Jeri performed the installation of the new officers. The program was our gift exchange.
  • Meeting adjourned.

Michelle Rodriguez


When Elisabeth McMahon dropped off blankets and totes at Children’s Medical Center, they gave her an information packet that included a wish list of toys for patients at the facility (find attached the list to this newsletter). Sixty percent of their patients are under the age of 3 and they also provide services to many teenagers. Only new stuffed animals may be accepted as donations due to infection control policies. Gift cards are also welcomed from Wal-Mart, Target and Toys R Us and will be used to purchase supplies and specific requests from patients.


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