December 2008 Newsletter


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DOOR PRIZES: If your last name begins with G, H or J please bring a door prize to the October meeting and give it to Elisabeth McMahon. This is a voluntary effort, but most of us like to receive a door prize and we hope everyone will participate. Please bring only quilting related items such as: Quilting Notions, fat quarters, triangle paper, magnetic pin holders, scissors, Pigma pens, etc.


  • Name tag
  • Door prizes for G, H or J
  • Potluck dish — officers should also bring drinks
  • Canned goods for the Grand Prairie Food & Clothing Co-op
  • Gift for gift exchange

PRESIDENT’S CORNER The Holidays are here!  Hard to believe but another year has gone by.  I am really excited about my “Crazy Quilt” calendar that I bought in Houston and will bring it to the next meeting.  I hope that we might be able to get a group together to work on and help each other with a crazy quilt project.

I have been saving silk ties, pieces of old lace, buttons, charms, etc. for years just waiting to get started!  As I shared at the last meeting there were a couple of crazy quilt blocks of the month that I saw in Houston, but they were pricey.  Anyway, I look forward to our Christmas party and hope all of you can join us on December 1st.

Debi Cypert
Shirley Lewis: December 15
Michelle Rodriguez: December 15
Sharon Milewski: December 16
Joanne Grant: December 21

PROGRAM Be sure to join us for our Christmas Party on Dec. 1. Everyone should bring a covered dish to share. Officers should also bring drinks. We want to start promptly at 7 p.m., so please try to be at the meeting by 6:45 p.m. so we can set up.

We are also asking everyone to bring canned foods for the Grand Prairie Food & Clothing Co-op. They especially need canned meats.

We will install our new officers for 2009 and present the perfect-attendance award.
Please bring three fat quarters or something else quilting related  wrapped up for our Christmas exchange as we get crazy with the left/right game.

Hope to see everyone there!

VISITORS Visitors for November were Barbara Jones, Dorothy Smith, Jimmi Geer, and Joan Vega.  Barbara, Dorothy and Jimmi are all former members and Joan is a returning visitor.

We hope to see you all again at our next meeting.

WAY TO GO! Congratulations to Linda Boggus on winning 2nd place in the Lap Quilt Division for the Quilters Unlimited of Tallahassee, Florida Quilt Show.  Her quilt, “Alaina’s Frogs” has been on display at the Museum of Florida History in Tallahassee since August 28th and was made for her granddaughter, Alaina Foo in 2007.

PERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARD If you have been to all the meeting in 2008, don’t miss the December meeting!  Those with perfect attendance for the year will have their names entered for a drawing for a free membership for 2009.

NEW OFFICERS Officers for 2009 were elected at the November 3rd meeting.  They are:  President, Debi Cypert; First Vice President, Programs, Susan Hamilton, Sandy Holton, Elisabeth McMahon; Second Vice President, Workshops, Shirley Lewis; Secretary, Michelle Rodriguez; Treasurer, Sandy Shown.

The president appoints the committee chairs and some spots will be available for 2009.  Be sure to check with Debi if there is something you really want to do for the Guild.


This example only uses 2 colors,  and you are certainly free to only use 2 in yours.

This example only uses 2 colors, and you are certainly free to only use 2 in yours.

DRESDEN PLATE This block will introduce English Paper Piecing, and build upon the Applique technique that we covered earlier in the year. The template has a dashed line for the cutting line, and a solid line for the stitching line.

Cut one template out on the solid line, and cut one template out on the dashed line. The template that is cut out on the solid line needs to be traced onto the non-slick side of freezer paper 16 times. Iron four of these freezer paper templates to the back of four different fabrics. Make sure that you have enough contrast in value between these 4 fabrics, since they will be touching each other.

This example only uses 2 colors, and you are certainly free to only use 2 in yours.

After you have the freezer paper templates ironed onto the wrong side of the fabric, use the larger template to center the freezer paper template, and to cut out the fabric. After you have the 16 templates made, use a needle and thread, and stitch a long running stitch in the seam allowance. We will pull the running stitch to gently ease in the fullness around the curve, and shape it to the freezer paper.

If you have an applique pressing sheet, pull it out, get your bottle of spray starch ready, and grab your awl. We are going to starch and press these 16 pieces of fabric into the shape of the freezer paper. There is no need to worry about the end that will be covered with the center circle. You will however need to follow all of the above directions for the circle, and it will basically be a large yo-yo.

Next, with the freezer paper still ironed to the back, we will use a needle and thread to stitch these templates together in order. Take tiny stitches starting at the beginning of the curve & just catch the turned under edges. Do not stitch into the paper, or it will be very hard to take the paper out. With a little practice, the stitches will be invisible.

After all 16 templates are stitched together, we will applique the center circle. It is easiest if we press the circle into quarters, so that we can line it up with the lines in the “Plate”. Also iron crease lines into your background fabric, for the same purpose. Be sure to cut your background fabric 13 inches to begin with.

After the center circle is appliquéed to the plate, remove all of the freezer paper. Line up the lines on the plate with the lines in the creased background fabric. Pin well, and applique to the background fabric.

When through, trim background fabric to 12.5 inches square.


  • The November 3, 2008 of the Quilter’s Guild of Grand Prairie was called to order by President Debi Cypert at 7 p.m.  The minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter.  The treasurer’s report was approved as printed in the newsletter and filed for audit.
  • Remembrances:  former member Wanda Chilton had surgery on her hand, the other hand will be done in a few weeks; Juanita Green recently had knee surgery and is doing great; Sharon Milewski is doing better after her broken arms.
  • Birthday fat quarters:  Sheila Kinsey was the only November birthday present at the meeting.
  • Treasurer’s report:  Income $22 advertising, .50 name tag.
  • Membership:  18 members and 4 visitors present.  Visitors were Joan Vega, Jimmi Geer, Barbara Jones & Dorothy Smith.
  • Block of the month/Row quilt:  This month is the Gingerbread Men, the last row is the Presents Row to be shown at the January meeting.
  • Program for tonight is Donna Bell from Quilt Parts, an online quilt shop.  December will be our Christmas Party.  We’ll have a potluck dinner, bring food for the  Co-op, and bring something to exchange as we do the left/right game.  See the newsletter for details.
  • Door prizes were won by Lisa Boyce, Susan Hamilton, Joan Vega and Dorothy Smith.
  • New business:  nominating committee consisted of Susan Hamilton, Sandy  Shown, Lisa Boyce, Elisabeth McMahon, Michelle Rodriguez.  They met and brought the following slate of officers for 2009:  President, Debi Cypert; 1st Vice President, Programs, Susan Hamilton, Sandy Holton, Elisabeth McMahon; 2nd Vice President, Workshops, Shirley Lewis; Secretary, Michelle Rodriguez; Treasurer, Sandy Shown.  Grace made the motion and Susan seconded that the slate be accepted by acclamation.  The slate was approved.  The installation will be at the December meeting.
  • Show and Tell:  Barbara Jones, Susan Hamilton, Sandy Shown, Carol Franklin, Nancy Dickens, Michelle Rodriguez, Wanda Cargile. Susan showed her sweatshirt jacket that she made for the ugly fabric challenge.
  • General announcements were that Just Stitchin’ is selling, Lone Star is selling and that the Grand Prairie library will be having  a special program on November 15th as well as the First Presbyterian Church will have its craft fair on November 15th.
  • The meeting was then turned over to Donna Bell for the program and shopping.
  • We adjourned at about 8:30 p.m.

Michelle Rodriguez

WORKSHOP NEWS I’ve enjoyed being in charge of workshops for 2008.  We had a variety of workshop projects:  Stack ‘n Whack taught by Maria Holmes, Jelly Braids taught by Michelle Rodriguez, UFO day, and a mystery quilt led by me.  The fellowship was great and the food was terrific!  Thanks to all who participated to make 2008 a successful year.

Since I have been elected to lead the workshops once again, I’m trying to make plans for 2009.  If you have suggestions, please email me at:  Suggestions I have already had from members include:  Crazy Quilt, Irish Chain, Log Cabin, Mystery Quilt Step of the Month, a charity project such as making something with strips that Grace has, and putting together the patriotic squares Juanita has.  PLEASE let me know your thoughts on these ideas or ideas you may have.  Our workshops should be something that creates the most interest for guild members.

Shirley Lewis

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